I’ve been thinking about my grandpa Joe Padawer lately. He was 53 years older than me and one of my best friends. Imagine a tall, handsome southern gentleman who grew up in the depression with very little money, self-made advertising executive in the 1950’s, extremely self-confident, dry often inappropriate wit, and with Jedi-like abilities to get right to the heart of a situation melting away the BS. A few pieces of advice he gave me, that I pass on to all of you that I have lived by… (1) “Half a watermelon is better than a whole grape.” (2) “1 truth is more powerful than 1,000 lies.” (3) “Don’t wish my life away.” The first quote is about compromise. The second is about integrity. The third is about empathy. I was studying for a test, and I said, “I wish it were over.” He asked me, “when is the test?” I told him, “2 weeks.” He replied, “Don’t wish my life away.” He passed years ago and there is just no doubt he would warmly embrace the concept of social media as it mirrors what we already know — we are all connected.